
[Purpose] The purpose of this study is to examine the international trends in media education in the context of changes in the digital media environment, focusing on core topics outlined by international organizations such as UNESCO, OECD, and the EU. Through a comparison and analysis of domestic educational curricula, the study aims to derive insights for the development of media education in Korea.
 [Methods] To achieve this, researchers integrated and reclassified the core media education topics emphasized by UNESCO's MIL education curriculum, OECD's Education 2030, and the EU's DigComp. 2.2 through document analysis. Subsequently, the study explored how the core media education topics at the international level are distributed in the revised 2022 educational curriculum standards and individual subject achievement standards.
 [Results & Conclusion] The identified core topics of overseas media education include digital citizenship, digital utilization, new media technologies, media representation, information discrimination and confirmation bias, media industry and consumers, media creation, collaborative communication and responsible use, digital problem-solving, and digital safety—a total of 10 themes. It was confirmed that the 2022 revised curriculum notably reflects competencies related to digital utilization skills, understanding of new media technologies, and digital problem-solving. However, the study suggests a need for strengthening education on critical thinking and acceptance of content produced and shared in the digital environment, which appears relatively lacking in current educational content.

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