
The results of studies of the influence of me-teorological conditions on the intensity of the development of Phomopsis (Phomopsis viti-cola) on plants of different grapevine varie-ties during 2019‒2021 are presented. It was established that the absence of extreme sub-zero temperatures during dormant period con-tributed to the preservation of the infectious onset of the disease. In most phases of the growing season 2019‒2021 unfavorable me-teorological conditions for the development of pycnidia and sporulation of the fungus Phomopsis viticola were observed ‒ high temperature and low air humidity. Despite this, the activity of the pathogen increased during the vegetation season and reached its maximum values in the phase of technical ma-turity of berries. Amoung the studied varie-ties, the most susceptible to Phomopsis were: Tsvetochny, Cabernet Sauvignon, Vostorg, Baklanovsky with a lesion intensity of more than 2 points. The most resistant varieties, with the intensity of damage up to 1 point and without signs of damage, were the fol-lowing varieties: Denisovsky, Pervenets Magarach, Krasnostop Zolotovsky, Sibirkovy.

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