
Topic. The civilizational security of Russia in the context of an increasing threat from imported ideas, institutions and scientific and practical patterns of neoliberal political economy. Target. To characterize the negative consequences of neoliberal forms for the modern domestic society and its economy, as well as to identify the mechanism and forms of influence of monetary and market political economic simulacra on the civilizational security of our country. Methods. Qualitative analysis was used to concretize interpretations of the essence and characteristics of key concepts, as well as an interdisciplinary and structural-contour approach to identifying the socio-cultural and socio-economic consequences of implanting neoliberal forms on the Russian political economic “ground”. The creative potential of cause-and-effect relationships and relationships is applied in the process of studying the mechanism of influence of political economic simulacra on civilizational security. Results. The essence of civilizational security, as well as other key concepts related to its provision, is determined. The failures of neoliberalism as a source of political economic and socio-cultural simulacra are revealed, while justifying the need for dialectical “removal” rather than mechanical denial of its provisions. The general mechanism of the influence of imported neoliberal political economic simulacra on civilizational security is shown. A model of contour analysis of socio-cultural and political economic consequences of neoliberalism for our country is proposed. The necessity of import substitution of neoliberal political economic simulacra for the domestic concept of the same name, relevant to the requirements of ensuring civilizational security, is proved. Conclusions. To ensure the civilizational security of Russia, it is necessary to develop a political economic model based on domestic socio-cultural and socio-economic traditions, as well as using acceptable forms of the current neoliberal and other concepts of economic development. The criterion for the effectiveness of such political economic import substitution is the successful integration of our country into the new world economic order while ensuring a decent life for households.

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