
The article deals with the dynamics of online fundraising in Ukrainian non-profit organizations, analyzes its tools and features, describes the main tendencies in using online technologies, examines new formats, opportunities, effective tools for the development of non-profit sector and identifies processes, that are necessary for effective functioning of non-profit organizations in context of digitalization due to the transition to online format. The world experience of various models regarding the application and use of online technologies is analyzed. Online fundraising means activities aimed at allocation of physical and financial resources for the implementation of non-profit programs and projects of non-profit organizations through the Internet. During a pandemic, fundraising, like many other social activities, switched to online platforms, and this factor influenced the active development of the use of online tools. The number of online payments received by non-profit organizations is increasing every year. The processes of digital transformation related to the transition to online format have started inevitably. The digitalization of the non-profit sector is one of the key vectors for the use of online tools in fundraising. A set of website features, built-in services and user-friendliness are on top. Volunteers promote their initiatives on social media for the benefit of non-profit organizations, in this way, the institutions have the opportunity to increase the audience of their donors. Online tools help to attract new audiences, using the opportunities of social media and other tools that promote joint actions. It is important for all non-profit organizations to keep in touch with their partners and donors as well as to be as transparent and accurate as possible. Concerning the tendencies of online fundraising, one should note that the business laws work in charity too. The sector is actively developing: a lot of people already use payment systems and SMS payments. New convenient initiatives and mechanisms are emerges. Online tools make it possible to analyze the behavior of donors, conduct experiments using various incentives for their direct interest in donating and facilitate feedback. This increases the effectiveness of non-profit fundraising efforts at the donation market and increases encouragement and satisfaction of donors.

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