
The purpose of the research: to clarify features of civil society as a sociopolitical phenomenon. Results: scientific principles of conceptual researches of civil society, deliberative democracy and their interdependence are analyzed and systematized, the essence of deliberative democracy in the processes of realization of the power potential of civil society is also covered. Conclusions: the functioning of civil society mechanisms in the deliberative democracy is an important dimension that exists as a system of an active political position of citizens and enables their direct participation in political life, as well as ensures full realization of citizens’ rights and freedoms. The power of civil society is systemic and is characterized by the formation of a relatively stable synergetic structure, according to which a constant exchange of structural elements is implied and includes: matter, information and energy with their «environment», i. e. the state. The model of deliberative democracy serves as a basis for the implementation of an effective system of strategic communications. Significance: highlighting the characteristics of civil society in deliberative democracy is a significant topic in the civil society study because now there is a need to deepen knowledge about the theoretical and practical foundations of its institutions in modern democracies and states of law.

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