
Currently, most companies can select a number of methodologies to improve their business processes, including Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, Total Quality Management, Kaizen and Business Process Reengineering (BPR). Obviously, the choice of an appropriate methodology should be guided by the goals of the organization. In this regard, BPR is one of the best methodologies that can help companies ensure the continuity of their business so that they remain relevant for a long time. More importantly, BPR can help members rethink their existing practices and make significant improvements to the existing business process. The authors conducted a study of the theory of BPR. The main definitions are considered in detail, the essence of reengineering is revealed, five stages of implementation are named, possible positive and negative points in the process of BPR implementation are noted, examples are given. Based on the foregoing, it was concluded that companies that need to make changes in their business processes can adopt BPR as the most suitable methodology that will help to make improvements in their workplace.

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