
The paper studies the state of somatic status in 57 patients with General and internal congenital hydrocephalus in children from 3 months to 3 years. In addition to computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, electroencephalogram, ultrasound investigation in different groups of patients studied, the intensity of psychosomatic condition, in particular depending on the stage, severity and form of dysgenesis (mono– and poly dysgenesis). The main neurological syndromes of the disease with disorders of nervous innervation, cardiovascular system, mental development. Depending on the severity of the pathology, the effectiveness of the developed treatment approaches has been established. The possibility of recovering psychosomatic status from the progredience of the course of the disease has been clarified.. The study of the immediate and in some patients with catamnesis showed that as a result of treatment, mental development was most fulfilled in patients with moderately active congenital hydrocephalus, among whom the proportion of patients with a normal level of intellectual development was about two thirds (p<0.01) due to a significant reduction in the number of children with mental retardation (p<0.01). Among patients with severe active congenital hydrocephalus, there was a significant decrease in the number of patients with mental retardation (p<0.01) and an increase in the number of children with intellectual disabilities (p<0.01), due to the maturation of patients and the expansion in the process of complex treatment and dynamic observation of opportunities to clarify the degree of mental insufficiency, rather than progredience of the disease.


  • В катамнезе установлено, что наиболее обратимыми нарушения черепной иннервации были у больных с активной формой заболевания

  • Vision in children with hydrocephalus // Developmental medicine and child neurology

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По клиническим признакам 25 больным с активной формой ВГ для купирования внутричерепной гипертензии проводилось консервативное лечение состоявшее в пероральном приеме диакарба: у 8 больных — заболевания имели декомпенсированные ликвородинамические нарушения, что обусловило необходимость проведения им оперативного лечения. Что динамика показателей физического развития больных зависят от стадии, степени выраженности и формы ВГ. Судорожные приступы отмечались более чем у трети пациентов: Анализ динамики нарушений черепной иннервации у больных ВГ показал, что они отличались стойкостью и сохранялись в катамнезе у большинства детей.

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