
The article analyzes the reflective paradigm of education as a promising strategy for Ukrainian higher education reforming. Its mission, purpose, objectives, content, functions and criteria are disclosed. Proved the priorities of the reflexive education paradigm related to the reflexive competence formation of the personality, represented by a set of components, adequate to reflective activity. The structure of reflexive competence which contains motivational-value (motives, needs, personal interest, desire, tendency to engage in reflexive activity, approach to pedagogical reflection as a value); cognitive (system of reflexive knowledge, which is the theoretical basis of reflective competence and represent a system of concepts and ideas associated with self-knowledge, self-awareness, understanding and perception of the individual student, interaction with students); operational-activity (system of reflexive skills connected with self-knowledge and understanding of another, with self-assessment and evaluation of other people, with self-interpretation and interpretation of another, with analysis and development of pedagogical technologies) components, was grounded on the basis of structural-activity trait and types of reflection. According to the structure of reflexive competence, the criteria of its formation are defined (stimulating-axiological, cognitive, praxeological). Adjusted diagnostic toolkit containing standardized and proprietary methods. The genesis of the reflective competence of future teachers in the period of vocational training in higher education is revealed. The concept of “reflexiogenesis” as a process of gradual development of reflexive competence components in the direction of their complication and extension of the range of realization of different types of pedagogical reflection synthesized in contextual reflection is introduced into scientific circulation. Proved that the initial stage of formation of reflective competence (the first course of study at a higher education institution) associated with the formation of reflection not as a professional quality, but as a basic personal education; with in the next step (the second, the thirdcourse of study at a higher education institution), there is a formation of pedagogical reflection as a professional-personal quality of the teacher; in the process of educational and professional activity (the fourthcourse of study at a higher education institution) the formation of reflexive competence as a holistic, integrated professional-personal quality of the future teacher.

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