
In the conditions of modernization of education, the search for modern resources is intensified. It will contribute to the arrangement of an effective educational process and a comfortable educational environment. Such resources include a variety of tools, among which pedagogical design occupies an important place. In research, pedagogical design (instructional design) is interpreted as a systematic approach to the construction of the educational process, taking into account the theoretical principles of psychology, pedagogy, ergonomics, cognitive science and other sciences that study the peculiarities of human perception and cognition. As a holistic process, pedagogical design involves the analysis of educational needs, development of learning environment and teaching aids that are pedagogical efficiency, methodological adequacy and feasibility. An important component of pedagogical design is the image design of the teacher's personality. Its content is most fully revealed through the personal and professional image of the teacher, and its external manifestations are the appearance of a person and his visual image. With the help of visual image, a person demonstrates to the environment his physical and social condition, shows attitude to his own body and health, emphasizes individual style and aesthetic taste in clothing and more. The visual image of the teacher is characterized by the following features: visual attractiveness; communicative attractiveness; aesthetics and ethics of behavior. In our understanding, the image design of the teacher's personality is a process and result of designing and improving his professional appearance, which is a consequence of modern fashion, individual preferences and financial capabilities. It is implemented through the generally accepted requirements for the professional appearance of teachers. The image design of the teacher’s personality is constantly changing under the influence of fashion trends, the practical manifestation of which are the means of external expression (clothing, shoes, hair, hats, accessories, etc.). After all, the spectacular appearance of a teacher directly depends on the design of his clothes, it has a positive effect on students, and the teacher himself acts as a standard of attitude to himself, to students, to professional activities. Therefore, the image design of the teacher's personality is an effective tool of self-presentation and an effective means of his professional activity. Key words: teacher’s personality, pedagogical design, personality image-design, visual image, appearance, clothing design

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