
Effective formation and support of the health of mothers and children, which determine the fundamental basis of the formation of the health of the future society and humanity, defense capability, labor reserve and intellectual potential of the country, possible only in the presence of effective health care systems. Purpose - to conduct an analysis of the integral efficiency of medical care for mothers and children based on the definition of the list and the weighted contribution of individual indicators of structural efficiency to the integral coefficient. Materials and methods. Based on the data of general and medical statistics of Ukraine, a structured assessment of the integrated effectiveness of medical care for mothers and children was carried out by individual components. The methods of systematic approach, structural-logical, epidemiological analysis, mathematical, and modeling are used. Results. The data of the analysis of the activities of the maternal and child health service of Ukraine in 2021 indicate a sufficient, above average level of achievement of the planned results - the comprehensive assessment ratio (CAR) is 0.79, with fluctuations by component from high (0.89 for the structure results) to above average (0.76 for the process indicators and 0.78 for the performance indicators). According to the geospatial analysis, the leaders in integrated maternal and child health service performance with high level of CAR (≥0.80), indicating sufficient effectiveness of maternal and child health care, are Ternopil, Chernivtsi, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Sumy Oblasts and the city of Kyiv. Donetsk and Kherson Oblasts became outsiders in terms of integrated effectiveness of medical care for mothers and children with an average level of CAR (0.61-0.69), requiring management decisions on their more efficient operation. The most problematic indicative indicators of maternal and child health services with a low and below-average level of the coefficient of achievement of results are the level of maternal mortality CAR (ratio of achievement of the standard value - RASV) = 0.00), the frequency of cesarean section (RASV=0.37), the frequency of low birth weight newborns (RASV=0.50), neonatal transfer index (RASV=0.60). Conclusions. The developed toolkit for integral assessment of the effectiveness of medical care for mothers and children allows for objective assessment and monitoring of the overall system, by region and by individual components on a unified basis, with the development of measures to address the identified problems and their implementation in the activities of the maternal and child health service. No conflict of interests was declared by the authors.

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