
The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of future studies on the prevention and treatment of gaming addiction by analyzing the trends in research related to gaming addiction for the last 10 years. To accomplish this purpose, this study analyzed publication trends in research related to gaming addiction by examining 175 studies published between 2013 and 2023. Particularly, a keyword network analysis was conducted using keywords extracted from these studies. The main results are as follows. First, the results of the keyword frequency analysis indicate that the most frequently occurring terms in the 175 publications are, in descending order, ‘adolescent’, ‘gaming addiction, ‘Internet gaming addiction’, ‘depression’, and ‘aggression.’ Second, the results of the TF-IDF analysis demonstrate that keyword weights of 42 keywords were high, listed in the following order: ‘Internet gaming addiction’, ‘gaming addiction’, ‘adolescent’, ‘aggression’, and ‘depression.’ Third, the results of the keyword network centrality analysis indicate that the keywords with high degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality were ranked as follows: ‘gaming addiction’, ‘adolescent’, ‘Internet gaming addiction’, ‘depression.’ Based upon these results, this study proposes directions for future research on the prevention and treatment of gaming addiction.

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