
State of matter: The vital activity of society through the enrichment of its en-trepreneurial part, with the a priori assumption is as soon as it is enriched, universal prosperity will immediately come at all times served by a legalized open (pro-grammed) “direction” with a personification and violent character. When conducting business activities - open (program) management, which was called "management".
 The concern of managers about the imperfection of the “rule” method and the power, which is a form of its expression, has led to the emergence of unique ideas about “strategic planning”. This concept was introduced in the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2014 N 172 “On Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation”.
 However, in the adopted law the proposals by unknown authors about “strategic planning” turned out to be connected with serious semantic conflicts regarding its essence, content and form.
 Results: As a result of the analysis of the essence, content and form of the cate-gory “planning” and the category «strategic», it was found that the phrase «strategic planning» cannot include «goal-setting, forecasting, planning and programming of socio-economic development», since «planning» is an integral part of «board» and «management (board)», and the combination of «goal-setting, forecasting and pro-gramming of socio-economic development» has nothing to do with the content of the concept of «strategic».
 In this regard, «strategic planning» can only be considered as a «doctrine of the preliminary distribution of all available forces and means for their best location and use, ensuring the realization of the formulated goal at a given time interval and the solution at this interval, taking into account the real conditions set for its achievement tasks», which is fully consistent with the essence, content and form of the category «plan».
 The scope of the results: The results can be widely used in practice in a con-stantly changing objective reality.
 Conclusions: In the real constantly changing environment of being, only the legalized method of “managing” with its characteristic closed functional and organizational structures can ensure the creation of conditions for extracting the most useful properties from any property.

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