
The aim of the paper is to investigate the autobiographism as genre dominant of notes in “Teacher’s Notes” by Ulyana Kravchenko. The actuality of the article is an attempt to discover the genre aspect of “Teacher’s Notes” that is briefly discussed in the context of the other works of writer. So it needs more thorough analysis. The article deals with the autobiographical elements in the structure of the plot and their influence on the formation of the narrator image. The prototype of protagonist is a writer itself, the proto-plot is years of her life and work as a teacher in the town of Bibrka and village of Stoky. The author fills notes with her own emotions and feelings. That is why the static components dominate in notes, for example: descriptions, lyrical digressions, reflections etc. The self-characteristic in the text plays an important role as a result of certain events or actions, also reveals the narrator internal state. The writer sometimes resorts to philosophical reflections that accumulate her experience. The descriptions of the interior, appearance of the heroine, leitmotiv images of books and flowers are the indirectly ways of conveying the narrator image. Consequently the paper emphasizes on the genre uniqueness of “Teacher’s Notes”, for instance: narrative in the form of personal records; first-person narration, providing true psychological portrait of the heroine; autobiographical genre dominant, coupled with network of artistic means that help to show the narrator inner world; the genre marker “notes” in the name of the second part indicates the genre affiliation of the Ulyana Kravchenko’s work.



  • The aim of the paper is to investigate the autobiographism as genre dominant of notes in “Teacher’s Notes” by Ulyana Kravchenko

  • The actuality of the article is an attempt to discover the genre aspect of “Teacher’s Notes” that is briefly discussed in the context of the other works of writer

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АВТОБІОГРАФІЧНА ЖАНРОВА ДОМІНАНТА ЗАПИСОК УЛЯНИ КРАВЧЕНКО „СПОГАДИ УЧИТЕЛЬКИ” Розглядається автобіографізм як жанрова домінанта записок у „Спогадах учительки” Уляни Кравченко. Прототипом головної героїні твору є сама письменниця, а протосюжетом – роки вчителювання в містечку Бібрка й селі Стоки.

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