
The article summarizes the theoretical principles of defining the concept of «mechanism», «conflict management mechanism». The main types of conflicts according to the Law of Ukraine «On Civil Service» are clarified: official disputes and conflicts of interest – a situation in which the personal interest of a civil servant affects or may affect the objective performance of his duties and in which there is or may occur contradictions between the personal interest of the employee and the legitimate interests of citizens, organizations, society. The main types of conflict management mechanisms are identified: organizational, legal and socio-psychological, taking into account objective and subjective factors, which covers a system of parameters, sequential actions, a set of methods and measures of socio- psychological nature. The causes of conflict situations in the interaction of public authorities and the public are substantiated: objective (social, political, economic, ideological factors) and subjective (derived from objective). Conflict fields of contradictions that arise in the process of interaction are depicted: legislative principles, political sphere, personnel policy, undemocratic worldview of managers, economic competence. The analysis of the main conflict fields of contradictions of local governments of Poltava region is carried out. New, alternative methods of conflict resolution have been formed: competition, adaptation, compromise, avoidance, cooperation, their general characteristics have been determined. Officials were invited to use the open conversation technique in order to reach a compromise.

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