
The current state of the domes- tic agro-industrial complex requires the search for new forms and methods to increase the effectiveness of impact of the economic mechanisms operating in the export of food products system, which can affect not only the results of production, but also the volume of the export of food products and agricultural raw materials. The article substantiates the urgency of the modifying the management of export food potential and its demand from the state, the agro-industrial complex, and economic entities represented by individual commodity producers. To solve this problem, the paper proposes the creation of an export potential managing architecture using a risk- based approach. External and internal macro- economic risks reduce the expected income of many participants of the food production process. The position of commodity producers loses stability under the influence of direct or indirect threats, as well as risks that cause additional, and in some cases, critical magnitude material and financial losses. The risk-oriented architecture of the export food potential management of the Russian Federation through the functioning of an effective organizational and economic management mechanism will not only protect the domestic food production market from fluctuations resulting from risky events and macroeconomic instability, but also form a scientifically based system mechanism to meet domestic and external demand. The development of export potential based on minimizing the associated risks and threats will provide agricultural enterprises with access to external markets, give an impulse to the development of competitive production and the agricultural economy as a whole.

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