
This article is devoted to the study of the topic of tax levers for regulating the activities of small businesses in Russia. Tax aspects of business are included in the scope of financial support from the state for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. The aim of the study is to analyze the tax instruments through which the state provides financial support to small businesses. The subject of the research is the measures of state financial support for small businesses in terms of taxation. In the course of the research, such methods were applied as: comparative, statistical, descriptive, analysis and synthesis. Research hypothesis. Identification of the optimal tax instruments for financial support of small business will allow the subjects of this sphere of the economy to function effectively without causing a conflict of interest between entrepreneurship and the state in paying taxes to the budget. Presentation of the main material. Small business entities in the Russian Federation have the right to state support in the form of financial, property, information, and consulting assistance. Financial assistance, as the most significant, consists in the provision of government subsidies, preferential types of loans, tax holidays, special tax regimes, simplified accounting procedures, etc. Tax instruments of financial support are of key importance for business entities, as they allow regulating the tax burden depending on the types of activities, the scale of the organization, the amount of income and many other factors. For Russian business entities, there are 5 taxation regimes, of which one is general and four special (preferential), tax holidays for small businesses and tax incentives for types of taxes. Originality and practical significance of the research. A comparative analysis of special tax regimes showed that the profitability of a particular tax regime is determined by the goals of the business, the scale and scope of activity. Conclusions and prospects for further use. The use of special tax regimes helps to optimize tax payments, and tax incentives reduce the tax burden of business entities. However, in the current conditions of the spread of the pandemic, increased attention from the state to small businesses is required in order to regulate the possible loss of profitability due to the introduction of restrictive measures, and, as a result, a decrease in the population's ability to pay, which, in turn, will negatively affect the replenishment of the country's budget with tax payments.

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