
The scientific picture of the world enters into constant interaction with cognitive experience. And changes in the structure of informational space change behavioral patterns and criteria of influence of environment on individuals are determined. The purpose of this work is to review individual branches of scientific knowledge as a component of the scientific picture of the world and to identify characteristic figures of scientific research of the XV-XVI centuries as an epoch of "flight" of thought. The descriptive method of the investigated phenomenon is used in the work. The purpose of the research is to form a reliable and verified knowledge of the scientific picture of the world of the stated period, to identify the value potential of the representatives of different branches of knowledge, because it is impossible to relieve the phenomenon of current science and set the prospects for its further development without analysis and interpretation of the sources from the previous centuries. The scientific picture of the mentioned period shows the discordance of ideas and the scale of their theoretical and practical implementation (from philosophy to art). The author highlights the most characteristic features of the scientific picture, which contributed to the appearance of new lines of research, a new necklace base on which the scientific thinking of the next centuries was built.

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