
The article presents theoretical provisions and some practical recommendations for the formation of a corps of professional judges in Ukraine. It is noted that today in Ukraine a necessary condition for the effective professional activity of judges in the context of ensuring the right to a fair trial is the proper foundations and mechanisms for the formation of a respectable and highly professional corps of judges. It is also concluded that in the context of reforming the judicial system of Ukraine, it is necessary to focus on improving the special (professional) training of candidates applying for the position of judge (judges), as well as take into account the practical experience of foreign (European) countries in order to determine priority areas for improving the mechanism formation of a corps of professional judges in Ukraine on a democratic basis. Here it is advisable to rely on some basic provisions – Recommendation Rec (2004) 4 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe to member states on the role of the European Convention on Human Rights in university education and professional training (dated 12.05.2004), as well as significantly improve the quality of the system of special (professional) training of persons (candidates) for the positions of judges at the National School of Judges of Ukraine. It is determined that the prospects for further research in this direction are the study of the features of the legal liability of judges in Ukraine, taking into account foreign experience in this direction.

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