
The results of scientific research and pedagogical experience testify to the overloading of pupils of high secondary school with the special subject knowledge. At the same time, it was discovered that high secondary school pupils did not realize the importance of the acquired knowledge for the educational and practical activities. In addition, it was found that pupils have not fully developed an ability to apply knowledge of Ukrainian language into practice (some limitation of thematic, lexical, semantic, and contents aspects of speech of pupils of high secondary school; stylistic backhandedness; inadequate or inefficient use of language resources). The results of the external independent evaluation confirm that not all graduates of general secondary educational establishment have sufficient knowledge in Ukrainian language; they have a weak command of skilled practical language skills.The article deals with the important issues of teaching the Ukrainian language in the 10–11grades in the context of modern educational transformations. The rules of the theory and practice of teaching the state language in the profile education is analyzed. The factors that complicate the process of learning the language in the high secondary school are determined. The permanent changes in the content and structure course at the program level are characterized. The program of Ukrainian language for the 10 – 11 forms of general secondary education institutions with Ukrainian language education is analyzed. The problems are identified; their causes and possible consequences are explained; formulated the requirements for the reformed linguistic education. The conceptual and terminology apparatus of research, the core of which is the Ukrainian language competence, is specified. Conclusions were based on the study of the experience of reforming linguistic education in the leading countries of the world. They highlight the expediency of the creative use of elements of this experience, but taking into account the Ukrainian national specifics. The basic principles of reforming education in general and Ukrainian language education in particular in institutions of general secondary education are determined. The prospects for reforming the theory and practice of teaching the Ukrainian language are projected.

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