
The article deals with a part of scientific and philosophical heritage of Valerian Nikolaevich Muravyov (1885‒1930), a thinker and a representative of Russian cosmism. The author of the article undertakes an attempt to explicate the major notions of the philosophy of action as the active principle of the common cause project by N.F. Fyodorov. In the theoretical system of Muravyov action is a uni­versal notion which unites various connections and relations among objects of different nature. Basing on philosophy of Parmenides and mathematical set theo­ry of G. Cantor Muravyov believes a possibility of action to be determined by the structure of the system: to possess the action capacity the system has to be a non-homogeneous set. The article reviews the general scheme of interaction of the active system elements which are defined as hypostases in the philosophy of action. The work also reveals the hierarchy of rational action points. Time is in­separably connected with set and action in the philosophical concept of Mu­ravyov. The paper observes Mouraviov’s logical approach to understanding time genesis and structure resting on the ideas of H. Bergson. Defining time as an ac­tion subject, its obligatory output the philosophy of action sets a task of time takeover.

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