
In this study, we determined the characteristics and importance of market maven to today’s fashion retailers. Market maven is defined as an individual who is highly involved in the marketplace and takes a role as an information diffuser. In order to identify market maven, a total of 415 data were collected from 30-40 consumers who purchased fashion items from the various types of retailers. The data were divided into three groups based on the average score of summated market maven’s scale, and the high group was referred to as “market mavens.” Results suggested that the market mavens existed in the fashion retailing market and presented the differences from the other two groups. The market maven group spent more and purchased more fashion items than the other groups. With respect to shopping behavior, the market maven group was more likely to browse and bargain hunt when shopping, and showed higher mean scores on impulse buying and overall satisfaction. In addition, market maven tended to purchase fashion items from different types of retailers including online channel. Accordingly, market mavens seemed to present common characteristics with heavy browser, recreational shopper, and/or multi-channel shopper. Market mavens showed shopping enjoyment characteristics when searching for market-related information from various retailers, hence this segment should be the essential target market in the multi-channel retailing environment.

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