
Introduction. China has long been a member of the prestigious Space Club and is now the most powerful space power in some respects, having managed not only to develop a strategic plan for the conquest of space but also to strictly follow it step by step. According to official documents adopted by the State Council of China, the space program is an extremely important area of national development. This is especially true of China's ambitious goal of becoming a leader in the world's science-intensive industry. The more specific goals of the space program are defined by the country's five-year development plans, as well as the national development strategy. Many scientific publications are devoted to the problems of economic cooperation between Ukraine and China. However, most issues concern the intensification of Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation in trade, economic, scientific, technical, investment and industrial spheres. At the same time, researchers are ignoring issues related to cooperation in such a science-intensive field as space, which objectively actualizes this area of research and requires additional study. Accordingly, the purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation in space in order to determine the prospects for their further development. Particular attention will be paid to the capabilities of Ukraine's space industry and China's interests. Materials and methods. Theoretical and methodological base of research consists of scientific works, methodological research of leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists. Research on scientific issues related to the intensification of Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation in space was conducted using critical and scientific analysis, methods of scientific generalization and systematization, induction and deduction in determining the causal relationship between internal and external factors affecting bilateral cooperation in the space industry. The results of the research, conclusions and recommendations are substantiated on the basis of an integrated approach. Results and discussion. Ukraine is one of the few countries in the world that has a closed technological cycle of rocketry, starting with rocket fuel and ending with launch vehicles and spacecraft, there are problems in the industry that need to be solved. This is, first of all, a significant disproportion between the level of space potential and its impact on the solution of urgent national and social problems. The main reasons for the problems are related to the long-term lack of effective state support in the field of space activities, as well as the need to reform it. One of the directions of deepening international cooperation in the field of space activities was the Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the People's Republic of China on cooperation in the study and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, signed in 1995. Among the main areas of such cooperation are: research, manufacture, production and testing of spacecraft; research, manufacture, production and testing of media (delivery); ground-based control and measuring devices, control and measuring complexes and objects of the experimental base for modelling and testing of space technology in ground conditions; environmental research, space materials science, remote sensing of the Earth and other areas of mutual interest. It is proved that the deepening of international cooperation in the field of space activities with China is promising for both Ukraine and China. This is due to the fact that today Ukraine has all the components in the space sphere – scientific, technological, production and human resources – for the implementation of full-scale space projects. Conclusions. In order to deepen Ukrainian-Chinese cooperation in space, it is proposed to be actively involved in supporting Chinese companies by increasing the number of commercial orders for space activities; creating preferential taxation for space companies and those who invest in the development of science; creating conditions for reducing the payback period of investment projects in the space industry by introducing project financing; to increase the efficiency of using the space potential of Ukraine to solve urgent problems of socio-economic, environmental, cultural, informational and scientific-educational development of society; to introduce a transparent system of information openness of space activities, on the distribution of investment funds, to inform investors about the prospects and expected results of activities, to publicly set the financial performance of science-intensive enterprises.

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