
In this study, the quality characteristics and antioxidant activities of soy sauce with the addition of dried burdock root were examined. To make the sauce with dried burdock root, meju, salt, and water were mixed at the ratio of 18 : 16 : 66. Fresh burdock was washed, sliced, dried, and then added until it accounted for 0∼24% of the weight of meju. The mixed ingredients were fermented at 25℃ for 100 days. The total acidity and browning intensity of the soy sauce with dried burdock root increased with increasing fermentation time. On the 100th day, the browning intensity and total acidity were highest in the control and decreased in the order of soy sauce with 6% > 12% > 18% > 24% dried burdock root. Amino-type nitrogen of the soy sauce with dried burdock root increased with the fermentation time. On the 100th day, it was highest in the control and decreased in the order of soy sauce with 24% > 18% > 12% > 6% dried burdock root. Reducing sugar increased rapidly until the 20th day, and subsequently decreased, and on the 100th day, it was in the order of soy sauce with 24% > 18% > 12% > 6% dried burdock root > control. Total polyphenol content increased rapidly until the 20th day, then showed a gradual increase. On the 100th day, it was highest in the soy sauce with 24% dried burdock root and lowest in the control. DPPH radical scavenging activity also gradually increased with increasing fermentation time, and on the 100th day, it was highest in the soy sauce with 24% dried burdock root and lowest in the control. It was found that when the content of dry burdock root was 12%∼18% of the weight of meju, the sweet taste was strong with high reducing sugar content, though the amino-type nitrogen content was somewhat low compared to the control.

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