
Wind power projects are hindered by various required licenses and permits, local acceptance, and grid connection. In a survey on 240 projects for which power generation business licenses were permitted, 123 projects (7,053.8 MW), 51.3% of the total, have been delayed, suspended, or stopped. Of the 79 projects classified as delayed, 33 projects (1,655.3 MW) have been suffering from regulated areas, and 34 projects (2,346.9 MW) have difficulty securing local acceptance. 11 projects (889.7 MW) have difficulties in consulting with other organizations, and 21 projects (1,623.7 MW) responded that they had been delayed due to other reasons such as not securing grid connection or disputes with other companies.<BR> To prevent delays of wind power projects, it is necessary to establish and consistently apply clear regulations and to closely review the regulations applied to wind farms before permitting power generation business licenses. In addition, developers should communicate with residents from the initial stage of the project and minimize noise and environmental and landscape damage. Distance requirements need to be adjusted based on the surrounding circumstances, and a specific power infrastructure construction plan needs to be prepared for offshore wind power projects, which are rapidly increasing.

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