
The article deals with the essence of the cluster approach as an effective form of agro-industrial integration. The main influential integration factors that can contribute to the growth of the national economy, as well as to leveling possible negative challenges to the development of agricultural production are identified. The main aspects of integration that can cause quite attractive prospects by establishing links between previously disparate elements that integrate into a single organizational and economic structure in the agro-industrial complex are identified. The author characterizes horizontal and vertical forms of agro-industrial integration. Through a comparative analysis of the most important properties of clusters and vertically integrated structures, their common features and specific differences between them are identified. It is established that one of the most effective ways of agro-industrial integration is clustering. This form of integration is manifested through the expansion and deepening of production and technological ties between enterprises, the joint use of resources and the pooling of capital. The list of key stages of formation and development of an agricultural cluster is determined. A cluster is formed by integrating economically independent enterprises in the production and service sectors, creators of technologies and know-how, which are geographically close and interact within a single chain of consumer value creation. According to the cluster approach, the most important features of an economic cluster are neighboring geographically interconnected enterprises and related organizations and institutions operating in a particular area. Clusters focus on a specific localized territorial unit rather than an industry. Given the favorable geopolitical position and competitive advantages of the region, favorable conditions are created for increasing labor productivity and expanding business potential. It is emphasized that the creation of a cluster makes it possible to realize a synergistic effect, which is expressed in an increase in labor productivity and a decrease in production costs due to the specialization of enterprises and organizations within the cluster.

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