
King Jeongjo also used Jangyongyeong as a political basis for strengthening the monarchy. It did not simply serve as a military camp for strengthening national defense and reforming the military system, but established itself as a royal guard military camp. King Jeongjo controlled Jangyongyeong at the same time with benefits to make it a strong military camp. King Jeongjo made a strict ‘Gye-ryeong(戒令)’ at Jangyongyeong to prevent soldiers from doing wrong and to gain the trust of the people. Article 10 of the Jangyongyeong commandment specified in 『Jangyongyeong Great Jeolmok(壯勇營大節目)』 was made into Jangyongyeong’s edict(飭令).
 King Jeongjo promoted the establishment of military camps for Jangyongyeong soldiers and their families while enacting the Jangyongyeong Gye-ryeong. The place was the area around Yeonhwabang, where the Northern Expedition Army during King Hyojong’s reign was stationed. King Jeongjo created Jangyongyeong’s military camp in the Seoninmun area because he hoped that JJangyongyeong military and family would be trusted by the people and become a strong military camp through systematic and intensive training through stable families. King Jeongjo made Dong-gye(洞契) of Jangyongyeong’s military camp and Jaktongjo based on Dong-gye. This was to create the ideal military camp and military village envisioned by King Jeongjo.
 In addition, King Jeongjo’s collective residence of Jangyongyeong’s soldiers and their families in Yeonhwabang area was to make it easier to defend the palace and clean this area to be trusted by the people and increase the king’s dignity. This is because one of the purposes of making Jangyongyeong was to escort the king and strengthen the royal authority. In addition, in order to prevent the concerns that Jangyongyeong’s soldiers would become arrogant and cause inconvenience, each of them was controlled by Dong-gye(洞契) to continuously promote the king’s military reform.

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