
The article highlights the possibilities of a substantive-procedural approach to learning in the implementation of the student-centric strategy in the practice of higher education. The purpose of the article is to highlight the issue of harmonization of information and procedural aspects of education and to reveal the effectiveness of the organization of educational and cognitive activity of students on the basis of content-procedural approach as a means of improving the quality of their professional training. The substantive-procedural approach is interpreted as a complex of didactic techniques aimed at harmonization of information and professional aspects of education, analysis and substantiation of the essence of internal factors, connections, contradictions and tendencies of development of the educational process. It is based on the effective interconnection of the content and procedural components of future professionals' vocational training, it requires the necessary cognitive and practical transformative activity on the content of professional knowledge in mastering the secrets of creative pedagogical activity and professional growth in their chosen professional sphere. The substantive-procedural approach demands the educational process: 1) achieving a certain level of student activity in an optimal way, provided that one teacher works with a large group of students; 2) the most favorable overcoming of contradictions between the amount of constantly growing information and the fixed amount of study time for its assimilation; 3) the creation of working conditions that would not require the teacher to give more and more effort in the overall intensification of the learning process. The substantive-procedural approach contains all the conditions for the formation of substantive-activity relations in the educational process, the choice of didactic goals that the student strives for, and the various tasks performed by him. The task of professional orientation is used as a tool and a means of activating cognitive actions, thereby ensuring the dynamics of the quality of knowledge in a positive way.

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