
The paper presents a sociological analysis of the migration situation in the Murmansk region by identifying the migration intentions of the region’s residents in the context of satisfaction with various aspects of quality of life. Positive migration intentions are demonstrated by 16 % of respondents, negative migration intentions – 52 % and “potential migrants” amounted to 26 %. The key motives for migration from the North are unfavorable cli-matic conditions and the unfavorable socio-economic situation in the region. The social portrait of respondents with positive migration intentions is described by such socio-demographic variables as: predominantly female gender, average age – 35 years, education - secondary vocational/specialized – 37 % and higher – 26 %, resi-dence in the Murmansk region since birth or almost all their lives – 71 %, equally employed and unemployed. Motivational factors constraining migration are the presence of own housing, employment, satisfaction with employment, wages and social guarantees of the employer, family, kinship and regional identity.

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