
The article deals with the development of digital literature. It is examined the potential of social networks in creating relevant literary texts that take into account the preferences of users and the very change in reading quality: the predominance of short forms, combining verbal and visual content in one semantic core. It is emphasized that social networks influence the development of the book market and literature, in particular, unite writers, provide resources for the promotion, sale of works of art, become creative platforms for artistic experiments. Social networks “Twitter” and “Facebook” are becoming especially popular among creative people. It has been determined that original genre forms appear on Twitter, along with a kind of reworking of classic texts - prose, poetry, dramatic works, in which the minimum number of characters is combined with an extremely emotional load and deep subtext. An interesting example of the use of Facebook as a platform for artistic experimentation is the successful attempt of Ukrainian author O. Shynkaruk, who createed a Facebook novel. In addition to the story itself (which is about the world 100 after the Russian-Ukrainian war that lasted 100 years), there are author’s and readers’ comments that create an atmosphere of interactivity. In the comments, the author reveals the ideas of his plan, sometimes clarifies and clarifies unclear points. With separate hypertext references O. Shynkarenko introduces into the text his own musical compositions, interludes in the genre of “concrete” music. The visual images complement the verbal, and visual metaphors and actualize additional meanings. The emergence of various genres of Twitter literature, Facebook novels shows that artists are looking for new ways to create texts, new ways to include contemporaries in literature and the formation of a “new reader”. The article tries to prove that the online literature format offered by the social networks “Twitter” and “Facebook” is not a sign of a simplification of the literary text, but a manifestation of literary game and artistic experimentation in the digital age.

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