
The study objective is to develop a new algorithm for diagnosing lung function disorder types. A retrospective analysis of lung function tests results (spirometry, body plethysmography and lung elasticity measurement with the esophageal balloon) was performed in 575 patients with diffuse parenchymal lung diseases. The algorithm, recommended by the expert commission of American Thoracic Society and European Respiratory Society in 2005, showed low sensitivity: disturbances of respiratory mechanics were determined only in 43% of cases. The proposed algorithm, based on the analysis of vital capacity, total lung capacity, residual volume, the ratio of RV/TLC and FEV1/VC, was more sensitive, basically due to better diagnosis of restrictive syndrome of ventilation disorders. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm depends on the method of normal limits definition. When normal limits were defined as percentage of predicted values, ventilation disorders were detected in 72% of cases. Utilizing equations for upper and lower limits of norm, the algorithm recognized ventilation disorders in 62% of cases.

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