
The emergence in Europe of a new concept of personal data (PD) protection in 2018 did not find wide coverage in the domestic press. The PD protection system in this concept has changed somewhat in the direction of expanding both the very concept of “personal data”, and in the direction of creating strict mechanisms for ensuring and controlling security. The purpose of the article: the development of a unified model for the presentation of PD to solve certain problems. This allows you to determine the minimum required number of parameters in the PD model with a certain probability of solving these problems and develop a mechanism for responsibility for their processing. The proposed model can be used as a novel approach to solving the problems of secure processing, storage, transfer and liability. Main research methods: system analysis of existing normative and other documents, set theory and algebra of logic. Scientific novelty. A new approach to the description of the PD model is proposed, based on the solution of 2 groups of tasks that require the use of this data. The classes of security threats to the subject of PD in case of their compromise are determined. Requirements for information security systems and mechanisms of responsibility of personal data operators are formulated.

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