
On the basis of Yin-Yang theory, Taoism has transformed from the natural philosophy to life philosophy and developed many important health-maintenance ideas such as My destiny does not depend on the fate but on myself(我命在我不在天), Being content and knowing where to stop(知足知止), Integration of body and spirit(形神合一), Maintain the true-plain nature of human(抱朴守真) etc. Oriental medicine dance therapy helps participants'' imbalanced body and soul to convert into balanced body and soul by means of dance, and the essence of the aforementioned is the conversion of yin and yang. Imbalance of Yin-Yang is a major cause of physical, the standard of health in both is to reach the balance and harmony of body and soul, and it emphasizes completion of self-treatment with internal power of humans, looks at self with an objective attitude, pays attention to the integration of body and mind and discovered the original shape of subconsciousness. Improvement of scientific characteristics and ideology of realistic value of the foregoing will be of help to finding of the application value of physical, psychological and mental health of modern people.

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