
The study of the relationship between school performance and cognitive abilities was conducted. Cognitive abilities were assessed by using The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Fifth Edition (WISC–V) and The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children Second Edition (KABC–II). There are lots of works which show the existence of strong correlations between IQ and school marks. However, various studies demonstrate different results about correlations between academic performance in humanitarian sciences, physics and mathematics and verbal and spatial abilities. It should be considered that Russian researchers use outdated version of The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children to diagnose intelligence in most cases. This version contains only three scales: verbal intelligence, nonverbal intelligence and IQ. Considering this fact, evaluation of the impact of particular cognitive characteristics on academic performance become more difficult. The latest versions of The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children and The Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children were used in the present study. They contain next scales: verbal comprehension, visual-spatial index, short-term memory, long-term memory, working memory, processing speed, fluid intelligence. School marks in Russian language, mathematics, literature, English language and science were chosen to evaluate academic performance. 55 students of primary school took part in the study. It was found that data given by using the WISC–V had more correlations with school marks than data given by using the KABC–II. Main predictors of academic performance in almost all disciplines were verbal comprehension, processing speed and fluid intelligence.

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