
Abstract. Objective. The research problem for this study is to analyze the mechanism of the price strategy development of a mechanical engineering company in a competitive environment. To achieve the goal, it is necessary to generalize theoretical approaches to determining the strategic direction of the company's price policy and analyze the main factors of the market situation in the field of domestic mechanical engineering. Methods. The issues of evolution and analysis of the strategic direction of the price policy of a mechanical engineering company were analyzed in the works of such researchers as Bozhkov D., Zhegus O., Koriniev V., Pererva P., Sus L., Shevchuk N. and many others. In their studies, considerable attention is also paid to issues of strategic management and increasing the competitiveness of industrial companies in modern economic conditions. Results. The main task when setting the price strategy for mechanical engineering products is to determine the consumer value of the product, which is calculated as the difference between the benefits received by the buyer and his costs. When analyzing a company's competitive advantage, it is necessary to compare its own costs with the costs of its main competitors. In some cases, it is necessary to determine the costs of competitors on the basis of data on the amount of wages, the cost of materials and production equipment, as well as other indirect information. The strategic form of the price policy can include different implementation options depending on the marketing strategy carried out by the company. It is also important to consider the level of business environmental turbulence and its impact on the strategic planning. It is recommended to allocate all costs for equipment maintenance in proportion to the quantitative composition of production and technical equipment used for each type of activity, and only then calculate the total amount of maintenance costs for each unit of equipment throughout the useful life of its operation. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the obtained results is in the improvement of the methodical approach to marketing pricing, which is based on a comparison of the level of production costs of the manufacturer, the level of prices and value orientations of consumers. Practical significans. The author's conclusions can be used in the practical activity of manufacturers and trade companies as well as be put into the basis for further scientific developments in improving the processes of marketing pricing of domestic business entities. Key words: marketing pricing, pricing factors, pricing methods, pricing policy of the company, pricing strategy, marketing activity of the company, production capacity of the mechanical engineering company, production costs, price elasticity, target pricing.

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