
In the context of transition to market relations in order to ensure social stability and social coherence, the social policy of the state should play an important role. At the present stage of development of our country there is an increase in social tensions in society, a decrease in the well-being of the population and an accumulation of social problems. The increase in social problems poses a threat to national security, which can cause disruption to the equilibrium and stability of Ukraine's economy.In our opinion, social security is determined by the existence of such a state of development of social relations (material-everyday, housing-communal, socio-cultural), which would enable citizens to satisfy their current and future needs in them at a sufficient level, to offset the impact of threats. Achieving an optimal situation in this field is possible only as a result of deliberate action on the main components of social policy, political objectives and opportunities of the domestic economy. The main components of social policy that determine the level of social security include: the level of income of the population, wages, employment, demographic situation, socio-class differentiation.Despite the steady rise in nominal wages, real wages did not have a steady rise. Despite the relatively high employment rate in Ukraine, its indicators tend to decline. During 2010 - 2018, there was a negative population growth. On the basis of comparison of actual and threshold values of social security of the state and regions, as well as tendencies of its development, a situational analysis of the state of social security of Ukraine in the regional dimension was conducted. This made it possible to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and security threats. In order to improve the situation regarding the provision of social security of the state and the regions, the following provisions should be implemented: increase of state funding of social development programs; creation of new and improvement of existing working conditions of the population; improving the social process management system at the regional level; development of effective programs for providing housing, education, culture, medicine to the population.

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