
The research aims to identify the signs of mediatisation of educational discourse concerning changes in the regulatory rules of its construction depending on the characteristics of the addressee’s sociolinguistic portrait contemplated by the addresser. Scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that it studies the differentiated nature of educational discourse popularisation, the connection of this differentiation with some social characteristics of communication participants. Four episodes of educational programmes, three monologues and an interview, served as the research material. The speeches delivered by the hosts were compared according to the values of the following parameters: knowledge of social dialects; information about the use of the vernacular; understanding of the relationship between the means of literary language (bookish functional style) and informal style; social status and economic status; education level; fashion following; familiarity with standard communicative situations and speech behaviour rules in these situations. As a result of comparing the obtained indicators, the sociolinguistic differentiation of educational media discourse has been determined, the parameters of the greatest interest for further study have been identified.

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