
The authors present the results of the collection’s formation of some ornamental shrubs, long-term phenological observations of them and the selection of the best forms and breeding hybrids in the Left-Bank Lisosteppe of Ukraine. In particular, the characteristic of the vegetation of 20 varieties of common lilac collection is given. The estimation of the terms and duration of the crop flowering enable to divide its varieties into groups of early, average and late flowering. The high decorative value of most of the strains has been described as well as their resistance to low temperatures and pests. The additional analysis of the latest literature data has shown the significant yield of aromatic substances in the common lilac plant, with the predominance of alkanes and lilac alcohol. The results have been presented of 70 rose cultivars of adaptation to the growing zone conditions. There are 20 promise varieties of the crop, which are characterized by high decorative value, resistance to pathogens and low temperatures and duration of flowering. The characteristics of the new variety of roses of the floribunda group – Olexandra has been given created by the authors. Along side with the high decorative value, different types of the rose plant provide the significant yield of aromatic substances with the domination of alkanes, monoterpenes and 2-phenylethanol. The analysis of the literature data also has shown the presence of aromatic substances in the jasmine and mock-orange plants. The first is characterized with esters based on benzene, cis-jasmon and isophytol, the second – with some sesquiterpenes and epi-13-manol. The further research included the phenological evaluation of the of white cedar and juniper collection. The best selected forms were characterized with decorativeness, resistance to frost, pests and pathogens. The literature data have shown, that the aromatic complex of the crops cultures includes mainly monoterpenes and their derivatives – alcohols and ketones. As a result, it was concluded that it is necessary to expand research with ornamental bushy crops in the direction of evaluating of their aromatic properties.

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