
This study examines students’ thoughts and progress in learning the unit of divisors and multiples in a fifth-grade classroom. Through lessons students were provided with opportunities to interpret mathematical terms such as divisors, multiplication expression of a number, and division form for finding greatest common divisor and least common multiple. The results of this study show that the experience of interpreting mathematical representations such as mathematical terms, expressions, and forms enhance students understanding of divisors and multiples. Students constructed their meanings of mathematical terms such as divisor. Interpreting multiplication expressions, students found hidden divisors by decomposing or composing numbers in multiplication expression and realized the benefits of the prime factorization method to find greatest common divisor and least common multiple. Moreover, interpreting division form of the divide-by-a-common-prime method, students paid attention to relations among numbers and found connection between this method and the prime factorization method. Based on the results, this paper discussed implications on teaching and learning divisors and multiples in elementary school.

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