
Purpose: to develop a technical justification of fish protection structures arranged as part of the Bagaevsky hydroelectric com-plex on the Don River. Materials and methods. The research was based on data on fish science, topographic, hydraulic and tech-nological conditions of the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex. The methods of scientific analysis and technology of search design were used in the development of fish and security structures of the hydroelectric power plant. Results and discussion. The com-position, type, location and parameters of the fish protection facilities of the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex have been estab-lished. A continuous fish-passing lock provides up to 16-20 cycles of attracting, accumulating and locking fish per day. The fish-spawning channel provides for the passage of fish with different swimming ability. Conditions for recreation and spawning of rheophilic and lithophilic fish species are formed in its tract, and phytophiles spawn in the ponds of the tract. Conclusions. 1. Tak-ing into account the fish-breeding significance and responsibility of the Bagaevsky hydroelectric complex, its technical solution provides for the creation of conditions for the passage and spawning of fish. 2. The adopted technical solutions for the construc-tion of a hydroelectric power plant, a fish-passing gateway, a fish-spawning channel and spawning ponds meet modern fish-breeding requirements and provide conditions for the natural reproduction of fish.

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