
The author defines the value aspects of the actualization and formation of the mentality of servicemen in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is noted that the mentality of a serviceman is a dynamically developing system in which there is a fusion of not only personal, but also professional experience. The goal of the article is definition of valuable aspects of the military servicemen mentality formation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine/Methodologically, the author proceeds from the position of the sociocultural approach that the change in external conditions and environment inevitably entails changes (positive or negative) of the inner world of the individual, personal formations, that is, a change in the motivational and value sphere of the personality under the influence of socio-cultural factors leads to a transformation of mentality .Mentality of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other components of the defense forces is defined by the author as an integrative professionally conditioned socio-cultural quality that determines the specificity of their worldview, the way of thinking, the peculiarities of the formation of collective and individual consciousness and professional behavior.The author pays special attention to the analysis of contemporary democratic values defined in the ethical code "The NATO Code of Conduct" among which unity, impartiality, loyalty, responsibility and professionalism are considered basic. These five core values constitute the axiological basis of the Code of Ethics, which defines the requirements for the conduct of civilian and military personnel of all NATO units.In the article is emphasized that articulation in the legal framework and the introduction of such European values as unity, loyalty, impartiality, virtue, devotion and professionalism into the professional training of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will allow to form a legal basis for a purposeful influence on their consciousness, beliefs and professional behavior with the aim of forming in them a proper moral and psychological state, as well as the ability to perform tasks for designation and participation in the conduct joint operations with NATO units.

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