
The article discusses the concepts of and youth analyzes the main models of youth policy produced by world practice, namely: conservative (state support is given only to those who are in the most difficult financial situation, while the state tightly controls spending of funds and defining its recipients), model of social partnership (based on the principle of recognition of the special role of the state and clear regulation by law of measures to support young people actions and youth organizations), sociostate (the state assumes most functions and covers the regulation of all young people as a whole, but almost does not take into account the interests of civil society and business in the field of youth policy), communitarian (paternalistic state youth policy, characteristic of authoritarian politics regime, the state is fully responsible for regulating youth work). In addition, European models of such policy, which are distinguished depending on the regime of youth policy implementation (universalist, protectionist, community-based model and centralized), are considered. The first is based on the principles of youth autonomy and independence, as well as the active cooperation of civil society with the state in the implementation of youth policy. The second is characterized by a strong social orientation and is aimed at helping young people. The community-based model envisages minimal government involvement and broad powers for civil society. The last one is characterized by the fact that the leading role in the realization of youth rights belongs not to the state, but to the family and the church. It is established that the social partnership or universalist model, formed by the Scandinavian countries, is optimal for construction in Ukraine. In this model, the widest possible use of youth potential for the development of society and the state is possible.

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