
Cryptocurrencies, which are decentralized electronic currencies, have gained more and more popularity in recent years, becoming a new settlement instrument, as well as an investment. In the context of global competition and the ongoing gradual transition of Russia to the digital economy, the issue of using cryptocurrencies is becoming quite relevant, since in some developed countries, cryptocurrencies have officially legalized on their territory. In Russia, however, the position is changing rather slowly, since an analysis and study of this instrument is needed. The author presents an analysis of approaches to understanding cryptocurrencies, its main features regarding use in the framework of financial management of the economy. In addition, the author examines approaches to the regulation of cryptocurrencies at the present stage, taking into account the experience of foreign countries. The article uses methods of analysis and synthesis of theoretical and legal materials on the topic, analysis, comparison and study of the dynamics of indicators of the development of calculations in force in Russia. As part of the study, it was found that the state is actively transferring all types of settlements to the legal channel. However, some difficulties arise due to the instability of the rate of electronic money, in addition, one can note the non-equivalence of cryptocurrencies to real consumer values, and together with non-recognition at the state level, problems are created in general regarding their use (withdrawal, transfer to the "banking model"), etc. NS. In this situation, the possibility and prospects of using cryptocurrencies in the digital economy is possible with a change in attitude towards this at the level of the state.

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