
This study focused on the relocation of the royal tombs of Taejong(太宗)’s ancestor(德陵, 安陵) and Gyeongwonbu(慶源府) during the reign of king Taejong. former studies did not explain relocationing the royal-tombs and a strategic base on the North-eastern region. As Taejong had less influence in North-eastern than Taejo(太祖), Taejong had to focus on defense of the North-eastern region unlike Taejo. It is related to internal and external conditions. Taejong after he ascended the throne suffered conflicts with Ming(明) with the control of Nuzhen(女眞) externally. And the suppression of a rebellion in the North-eastern region internally. Through relocated Gyeongwonbu, Taejong tried resolve two problems. Then Taejong took symbolic legitimacy and an efficient a strategic military base in the North-eastern region. As a result, roles of Gyeongwonbu was divided with military role to the Gyeongseong(鏡城) and political role to the Hamju. Hamju was promoted by relocation of the royal-tombs. After then, the North-eastern region was renamed as Hamgil-do(咸吉道). The classification of this administrative district was made possible through the recognition of Taejong’s The north-eastern region and the foreign policy of the Ming Dynasty.

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