
The author of the article, Olha Pronkina, studied the reception of China in the works of F. Nietzsche „The Gay Science” and „Beyond Good and Evil”. The article notes that the ethnic images of China were perceived by F. Nietzsche in a fragmentary way, since the German thinker never engaged in their fundamental study. The author of the article notes that the style of F. Nietzsche's works is characterized by aphorism. This individual author's feature makes his work unique. Olha Pronkina proves that the content of the works of F. Nietzsche testifies to the conscious desire of the German thinker to provoke the reader, to induce him to various external or internal manifestations. The works of F. Nietzsche are characterized by introspection, this determines the peculiarity of the thinker's creative method. Olha Pronkina proves that the features of the author's style indicate that the works of F. Nietzsche should be considered not only as philosophical, but also literary. The works of F. Nietzsche, in which the author refers to China, contain many errors and inaccuracies. The reception of China by F. Nietzsche is due to the fact that he perceives its culture, history and literature, on the one hand, through the prism of thinking of a European person, on the other hand, through his own criticism of the Chinese tradition. . Olha Pronkina proved that F. Nietzsche's work „The Gay Science” mentions China almost for the first time. The culture of China in this work is represented by certain stereotypes that existed at that time in the European intellectual space. In the work „Beyond Good and Evil” the German thinker mentions China several times. Olha Pronkina emphasizes that this work also represents the stereotypical reception of the ethnic image of China, which appears as a frozen culture incapable of development. In this work, F. Nietzsche creates stereotypical images of the Chinese, who are characterized by timidity, indecision, and self-abasement. Olha Pronkina proves that F. Nietzsche contrasts the ethnic images of the Chinese with the ancient Greeks, who, in his opinion, are more resolute and courageous.

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