
In the context of the rapid growth of international cash flows under the influence of globalization and digitalization of the world economy, the disadvantages of the correspondent banking network for crossborder money transfers are becoming increasingly obvious. Cross-border payments continue to be largely based on the old correspondent banking model, which has not quite benefited from the flow of innovations. New technologies have the potential to facilitate fast, low-cost, transparent and scalable payments. There is a need to modernize international payment systems and to develop alternative payment instruments based on new financial technologies. Central banks and the payments industry are considering ways to improve cross-border systems. One of the most relevant and widely discussed new payment instruments is the central bank digital currency (CBDC). А consensus has been reached in the global community on the expediency and profitability of introducing this new form of fiat money into retail payments, and a large number of countries are implementing relevant projects. In contrast, the promotion of the CBDC in the field of wholesale payments is lagging behind. However, studies confirm viability of using the CBDC in wholesale cross-border payments. A number of central banks are working on wholesale cross-border payment models, and international cooperation among central banks on wholesale CBDC, including for cross-border payments, is intensifying. The article discusses how cross-border wholesale CBDC can address challenges of the existing correspondent banking arrangement. The main purpose is to analyze the results of the most advanced international projects aimed at creating cross-border payment systems based on CBDC and distributed ledger technology. The design features of the proposed payment models, their effectiveness and potential risks are considered.

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