
The complexity of developing ontologies is associated with their learning, which involves the automation of solving problems related to the extraction of ontological concepts and relationships from natural language texts. For a created ontology used in an information system, there will most likely be a need to expand its conceptual system due to the complication or change in data processing. Subsequent application of text analysis to discover new concepts and in-corporate them into the ontology, that is, linking them with existing concepts, will require identifying the latter in sen-tences of natural language texts. This paper considers the problem of automating the formation of the lexical module of applied ontology, which includes formalized representations of ontological concepts in natural language texts. A brief review of existing works devoted to the use of lexical information about ontology components in solving problems related to the analysis of textual data is presented. The ways of using the OntoLex-Lemon model for determining the structure of lexical representations of ontology concepts are considered. A procedure is proposed for the formation of lexical representations based on the analysis of texts in the subject area, taking into account the case when concepts have names consisting of several words. The results of applying the obtained module for the automatic formation of a training set of a neural network language model used in the ontology learning task for discovering new concepts in the corpus of subject texts are presented.

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