
In this article, the author poses the problem of understanding legal identity in the context of post-postmodernity, which is not reducible only to the modern epistemological tradition. The author shows that the new reality forms social practices in which a person loses his biological limitations and acquires qualities that turn him into a «post-human». Empowerment and the inclusion of technology in human nature requires understanding of its identity, including in the field of law. The article notes that modern high-tech and high-humo technologies have caused a lively discussion between those who stand for the expansion of morphological rights (biohackers, transhumanists, supporters of the philosophy of extrapianism, posthumanists, etc.), and those who are wary of breakthrough technologies future, seeing them as a threat to all mankind. Therefore, understanding the legal identity of a modern person requires a thoughtful, meaningful and verified approach, including from the point of view of traditional values and morality. To this end, the scientific community is invited to take a closer look at the anthropological-legal approach as a new research program that can act as an alternative to Western post-postmodern approaches with dubious social practices. As substantiated in the article, the use of the anthropological-legal approach as a kind of moderate post-postmodern type of scientific rationality, which focuses on the contextuality of legal phenomena, looks like a more adequate strategy than blind imitation of Western discursive practices. It is proved that the legal identity of a person within the framework of the designated position contains a dialectical combination of identity and difference, which does not oppose itself to another, providing acceptable mechanisms for adaptation to the system in which a person really lives, in which he realizes his social statuses, including in the sphere of rights. The article actualizes the idea that legal identity is a construct that is formed by a person at all stages of his formation as a being, potentially claiming a universal re-creation of himself and the world as a whole.

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