
The place and the role of an environmental risk management in the implementation of the industrial enterprise’s development strategy is researched in the article. The national approaches to environmental risk assessment are analyzed. It is revealed that the available methods of environmental risk management at industrial enterprises do not sufficiently take into account the strategic planning objectives of environmental modernization. The aim of the research is to determine the features of the environmental development strategy of industrial enterprises in the framework of a preventive approach to economic activities. Using the method of theoretical generalization and abstraction, the classification of development strategies with consideration of environmental factors of activity of industrial enterprises is proposed. The importance of environmental risk assessment in strategic planning of industrial enterprises is substantiated by logic-analytical methods. The main requirements for the methodology of environmental risk assessment are formulated, the basic tools for the analysis and management of environmental risks are presented. The scientific principles of choosing an ecological development strategy of industrial enterprises were improved. The main groups of factors of changing approach to economic management within the framework of ecological modernization are identified, which include rigidity of ecological requirements from external stakeholders, orientation on strengthening of ecological competitive advantages, international and national ecological legislation, tools of formation and implementation of ecological strategy, implementation of approaches to adapt ongoing activities to strategic and tactical environmental. This research creates the basis for further improvement of the methodology of environmental risk assessment of industrial enterprises and its implementation in the system of environmental risk management of industrial enterprises.

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