
The challenges faced by the international community in recent years undermine the already unsteady economic situation in the world, which leads to the worsening of existing problems, as well as causes the emergence of new ones and leads to the deepening of economic and, as a result, social crises. Taking into account all the negative factors and the inability of traditional tools of influence to solve urgent issues, there was a need for more active application of alternative development models that would maximally cover all spheres of activity of countries, economic players and society and ensure their rapid and sustainable mutual development. Tourism, which accounts for a significant share of the world GDP and is one of the main sources of income for many countries, opens up opportunities for stimulating global economic growth and promoting the growth of the population's living standards, primarily its vulnerable strata and marginalized groups, becoming one of the drivers of inclusive development. The concept of inclusive development is mostly considered on a global, national and regional scale. However, the available studies reveal little about the roles of individual sectors of the economy in the process of inclusive development and growth. The tourism sector is potentially one of the drivers of inclusive development, given its potential economic and social impact. That is why the problem of developing a model of inclusive tourism development is becoming especially urgent.

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