
Introduction. The Russian Federation has adopted a Strategy for the conservation of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi for the period until 2030 (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2014 No. 212), developed in accordance with the principles and norms of international law, the Fundamentals of State Policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030 and other regulatory legal acts. The goal of the Strategy is to ensure on a long-term basis the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered species of animals, plants and fungi in the interests of sustainable development of the Russian Federation. Purpose of the study: to analyze the species of flora of the Argun River basin and develop recommendations for expanding the list of plants to be protected. Materials and methods of research. Rare and protected species and floristic complexes with different habitats within the Argun River basin were selected as the object of study. The material for the study was obtained during expeditionary trips for observations and herbarium collections in the period 2018-2022. in various parts of this territory. Results and its discussion. As a result of our research in the Argun River basin, we identified 132 species (or 8.5% of the total flora) that are subject to protection. Almost half are species of categories I and II, i.e. local endemics and subendemics, constituting 47.0% of all protected taxa. This is the most important part of the gene pool, of which species of the first category require special attention - local endemics - carriers of a unique gene pool that are subject to priority protection. Conclusion. The presence of narrowly local endemics in the flora also emphasizes its originality. It is advisable to include the entire Itum-Kalinsky floristic region in the territory of the Sovetsky biological reserve. Thus, many “Red Book” species, most of which are found only in this area, will be taken under real protection. These are Astracantha denudata, Berberis vulgaris, Сeltis glabrata, Cerasus incana, Cladochaeta candidissima Clenmatis integrifolia, Colutea orientalis, Cotynus coggygria, Crambe grandiflora, Dianthus daghestanicus, Ephedra procera, Fumana procumbens, Galanthus caucasicus, Gentiana grossheimii, Hippophae rhamnoides, Iris pumila, Gladiolus tenuis , Juniperus oblonga, Mandenovia komarovii, Medicago daghestanica, Notholaena maranthae, Omphalodes rupestris, Scabiosa rotata, Stipa caucasica, S. pennata, S. pulcherrima, Xanthobrychys majorovii. Resume. The article provides information about protected and recommended plant species in the Argun River basin. It has been established that almost half of the species include species of categories I and II, i.e. local endemics and subendemics, constituting 47.0% of all protected taxa. It has been determined that for all species it is necessary to comply with the requirements of maintaining the Red Book. It was revealed that for the first time for the Argun River basin, an inventory of the flora was carried out and its comprehensive analysis was carried out. Plant species in need of protection have been identified and prospects for the economic use of flora have been determined. Phytosozological data can be used in maintaining the regional Red Book and as a project for amending it. Information of a utilitarian nature can be used in the economic sphere of the population, and the scientific component can be used in the educational process of regional universities as disciplines with botanical content.

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